
The Icelandic artist, Olafur Eliasson,  famed in UK for his installation “The Weather Project” at the Tate Modern in 2003, has come out with a new book called “Your Engagement has Consequences”, documents in detail of his three exhibitions. ‘Your Light Shadow’, Hara Museum, Tokyo; ‘Notion Motion’, Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam, and ‘The Light Setup’, Malmø Konsthall are featured in his book, which was released earlier this year. “Your Engagement has Consequences” is a terrific ‘coffee table’ book and a great addition if you want to add some culture in your bookshelf.

– Jon

The Cool Hunter Magazine

December 14, 2006


The Cool Hunter, one of the web’s premier trend forecasting websites has expanded its brand incredibly as of late. What started as just an online trend reporting service, The Cool Hunter became a syndication as a weekly column in various magazines/newspapers around the world. With its popularity and its huge reader base, it has given them an opportunity to produce their every own television show called “The Assistants” and very recently, they have signed a publishing deal to release their own set of books including “Sleeping Beauties – The World’s Coolest Hotel Rooms”. The book will feature the finest and coolest hotel rooms the world has to offer.

Now, it seems The Cool Hunter has solidifed their brand by launching their very own self-titled magazine. The magazine will be a 50-60 page monthly publication and will be available free along with various fashion, design and lifestyle magazines. It will also be available in hotels, stores and retailers globally.

Releasing in early 2007, The Cool Hunter magazine will cover the same globe covering genres as the online version. Topics such as fashion, music, urban living, designer and culutural trends.

– Jon

The Run Up

November 17, 2006

Creative lifestyle pioneer Upper Playground and FIFTY24SF Gallery, both out of San Francisco, have released a DVD called the Run Up. Basically, the DVD shows the interviews with various graffiti street artists, designers and photographers that make an impact on the contemporary art scene.
Artists included in the visual commentary are Mister Cartoon, Futura, and Jose Parla. The Run Up will feature one-on-one interviews with each artist and look at their their personal journeys in finding their artistic styles. Definately a DVD to look out for. More info here.



Written by Alife’s cofounder, Tony Arcabascio, “Now You Know”is 3 years of compiled short stories and articles he wrote when he was working for Arkitip magazine (which you may know from their exclusive limited edition catalogs).

“Now You Know” seems like a very interesting and humourous read. I’m tired of the mundane novel and I hardly have the patience to sit through one whole story. This is something I definitely would pick up when I’m in the need to procrastinate or feel the urge to read about something random. Artkitip describes the book as a “‘how to’ for the street smart”. So if you’re ever in the need to torch your boss’ car or looking to get some love from the ladies, you might want to check this out.

– Jon

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Here’s an interesting article that I came across at Dexigner Design Portal. Illustration Magazine Varoom by The Association of Illustrators, will release their second issue next month. The magazine examines international trends in illustrations in contemporary society. Varoom regularly features interviews and profiles of artists around the world, with the next issue looking at artists ranging from Iranian to Japanese backgrounds. The magazine will also include regular features from respected designers and critics discussing the contemporary illustration scene. Varoom will be available in design and gallery bookshops in the UK, Europe, USA and Canada, as well as on subscription. Look for it in November 2006.


The Fader Magazine Issue 41

October 18, 2006

Not only is The Fader my FAVORITE magazine to read but the fact that offer it online for free from time to time, makes it THE best damn magazine period. Read Issue 41 (PDF) as well as check out their music mix on iTunes.

– Jon